Bee Pollen
Bee pollen is a fine powdery substance that has been collected from the stamen found within flower blossom and is naturally granulated by the bees.
Called the 'perfect food', bee pollen has an awesome constitution. Around 40% protein of a highly digestible form, these magical grains house 16 vitamins, 28 minerals, a host of enzymes, hormone precursors (that stimulate hormone production), lecithin, fatty acids, nucleic acids and antioxidant phytonutrients. Studies have revealed antibiotic and cholesterol lowering abilities, immune system enhancement and excellent skin healing traits. Pollen is also believed to be an anti aging food, discovered by Dr. Tsitsin, chief biologist at the Longevity Institute in Vladivostak, to be eaten daily by over 200 natives of Georgia (formerly the Soviet Union) that were living upwards of 125 years of age!
Bee pollen is the only known food in the world with all essential ingredients necessary to sustain life. Only Bee Pollen contains ........
All 22 elements of the human system.
All essential amino acids and is a complete protein. (Bee pollen contains the eight essential amino acids, which the human body cannot produce.)
Vitamins A, B Complex series C, D, E, K and Rutin.
28 Minerals, including Trace Minerals needed for good health.
Enzymes and Co-Enzymes necessary for good digestion.
Hormones such as the ones found in our bodies to effect normal function.
No cholesterol.
Bee pollen has a history that goes back 5,000 years. Famous in Chinese, Greek, Aztec, Egyptian and American Indian civilisations; a tonic with rejuvenating power. Known as “Ambrosia” or Food of the Gods, pollen has been used for centuries as a food source and to increase energy and stamina. Bee pollen has long been used by historic figures including Hippocrates, Pliny the Elder, and Pythagoras. It is widely labelled as a super food. Many historical sporting figures also contributed bee pollen to their success in the sports arena.
The pollen that is most attractive to bees, naturally, is pollen that provides the best nutrients for their health. In this plant competition, reproductive success is driven by the ability to evolve the most nutritious pollen that will attract the most bees. Plants with lower quality pollen are then driven to evolve higher quality pollen in order to become more competitive for the bees attention. 150 million years of this evolutionary pressure has driven bee pollen to become more and more nutritionally superior.
The pollen that is most attractive to bees, naturally, is pollen that provides the best nutrients for their health. In this plant competition, reproductive success is driven by the ability to evolve the most nutritious pollen that will attract the most bees. Plants with lower quality pollen are then driven to evolve higher quality pollen in order to become more competitive for the bees attention. 150 million years of this evolutionary pressure has driven bee pollen to become more and more nutritionally superior.
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